Market Innovation Roadmap
Self Paced Innovation Course
Discover new innovation pathways & insights to grow your business and lead your market.
- 1.5+ hours of Video Lessons
- 6 Lessons & 5 Exercises
- Easy to Implement Process
Want your company and projects to succeed?
Building strategic knowledge is key. We will identify your competition to discover new innovation opportunities, create innovative disruption, and lead your market.
Why is it so hard to differentiate?
It can be tough to differentiate from the competition, especially when there is a lot of competitors. You don’t want to get lost in the crowd. You want to be “The Company” for your audience, users, customers, and clients. We will look at your competition, find areas for new innovation, build competitive differentiation, and develop a competitive advantage.
Why are my solutions not Innovative?
We sometimes go the safe route. This leads us to devote time and materials to an idea just to realize that we developed the wrong idea. This stinks, but it is avoidable through a strategic planning. We need to make sure to stop this trend by understanding our markets before developing solutions.
Course Structure:
Introduction to Market Innovation Roadmap
- Introduction to Market Innovation Roadmap
- Benefits | Market Innovation Roadmap
- Innovation vs Optimization | Market Innovation Roadmap
- Course Structure | Market Innovation Roadmap Course
Lesson 1: Market Identification | Market Innovation Roadmap
- Introduction to Market Identification
- Core Areas Guided Worksheet – Market Identification
- Case Study: Core Areas of Market Identifications
- Exercise 1: Market Identification
Lesson 2: Market Analysis | Market Innovation Roadmap
- Introduction to Market Analysis
- Competitive and Alternative Markets in Market Analysis
- Archiving Your Findings in Market Analysis
- Case Study: Developing Market Analysis
- Exercise 2: Market Analysis
Lesson 3: Market Focus - Creating Market Landscapes | Market Innovation Roadmap
- Introduction to the Market Focus Landscapes
- Market Landscapes in Market Focus
- Case Study: Developing Market Landscapes
- Exercise 3: Market Focus Landscapes
Lesson 4: Market Focus - Position & Identify Opportunity Spaces
- Introduction to Positioning and Identifying Opportunity Spaces
- Positioning and Identifying Opportunity Spaces
- Exercise 4: Market Focus Opportunity Spaces
Lesson 5: Market Strategic Direction | Market Innovation Roadmap
- Introduction to Market Strategic Direction
- Market Summary in Market Strategic Direction
- Market Strategic Direction: Developing Strategic Direction
Problem Solving Case Study | Market Innovation Roadmap - What if? Consequences of Not Using the Market Innovation Roadmap
- Exercise 5: Market Strategic Direction
Lesson 6: Case Studies in Different Fields | Market Innovation Roadmap
- Introduction to Case Studies
- Business Strategy Case Study: Market Innovation Roadmap
- Brand Strategy Case Study: Market Innovation Roadmap
- Digital Design, User Experience, Interface Design Case Study
- Final Thoughts | Market Innovation Roadmap
Introduction to Market Innovation Roadmap
– Introduction
– Benefits
– Innovation
– Course Structure
Lesson 1: Market Identification
– Introduction to Market Identification
– Core Areas Guided Worksheet
– Case Study: Core Areas
– Exercise 1: Market Identification
Lesson 2: Market Analysis
– Introduction to Market Analysis
– Competitive and Alternative Markets
– Archiving Your Findings
– Case Study: Developing Market Analysis
– Exercise 2: Market Analysis
Lesson 3: Market Focus Landscapes
– Introduction to the Market Landscapes
– Developing Market Landscapes
– Case Study: Market Landscapes
– Exercise 3: Market Focus Landscapes
Lesson 4: Positioning and Identifying New Opportunities
– Introduction to Opportunity Spaces
– Positioning and Identifying
– Exercise 4: Opportunity Spaces
Lesson 5: Market Strategic Direction
– Introduction to Market Strategic Direction
– Constructing a Market Summary
– Developing Strategic Direction
– Problem Solving Case Study
– What if? Consequences…
– Exercise 5: Market Strategic Direction
Lesson 6: Bonus Case Studies
– Introduction to Case Studies
– Business Strategy Case Study
– Brand Strategy Case Study: Market
– Digital Design, UX/UI Case Study
– Final Thoughts
You will learn to:
- Develop a competitive advantage and differentiate.
- Build a strategic direction for brainstorming and ideation.
- Strategic business research methods, tools, and techniques.
- Discover new innovation opportunities for your company.
- Develop competitive benchmarks.
- Grow your company.
- Focus on your strategic projects, become a strategic leader.
- Learn the 4 Step Market Innovation Roadmap.
Moises Araya
Your Innovation Coach
I am Moises Araya, an Innovation Strategist who helps clients develop innovative solutions. I will guide you through this process to build your market knowledge and develop a game-changing strategic roadmap. Enjoy the course!
This Course is for You —
Is this you?
Service Designer, Design Thinker, User Experience Designer (UX & UI Design), Business Strategist, Industrial Designer, Brand Strategist, Project Manager, Team Leader.
- Utilize the Market Innovation Roadmap to focus your strategic planning from the beginning. Narrow the endless possibilities and develop strategic direction around new innovation opportunities.
Entrepreneurs, Startups, Small Business Owners, Large Corperations.
- Utilize the Market Innovation Roadmap to develop a competitive advantage by understanding your market. Develop competitive benchmarks. Find alternative markets to bring in ideas and disrupt your market. Understand your market to reduce project timelines and focus on final solutions.
Invest in yourself and your business. The first step is to start. We believe in you and will support you along your journey.
Market Innovation Roadmap
Self Paced Innovation Course
The Market Innovation Roadmap will allow you to compete and thrive. Know your competition. Know you opportunities. Create innovated solutions.
- 1.5+ hours of Video Lessons
- 6 Lessons & 5 Exercise
- Easy to Implement Process